Gavin's learning object - Projectile motion

This applet is one of many simulations provided by the University of Colorado. I use many of these applets as introductions to units of work that need to be covered on the Physics IB syllabus. Most of the Universities simulations are useful teaching aids as it provides a learner with hands on experience and a good understanding of the phenomena without teacher intervention. Not only is the applet easy to use and understand but it also means that the learner is directly involved in the unit from the start and because most of these applets are fun to use, the learner is engaged and motivated with the activity.
I have chosen to use the projectile motion applet as this is one of the learning objects I intend to use for my final assignment in this module. A simulation is a good starting point as a motivational tool but without further development of this tool in enhancing a learners understanding, it can start to lose some of its effectiveness. Therefore a learners understanding of this projectile motion concept can be further enhanced if the learner then takes what they have learnt from this simulation and apply the concept to the real world.
Not all simulations can be enhanced this way. For example applets on Qunatum Physics are a little hard to apply to the real world unless you happen to have a partical accelerator in your back pocket. However practical hands on experience is a great learning tool and I have found in the classroom and laboratory that this simulation helps to develop a learners scientific process of developing ideas into practical activities.

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