Using Mobile Tech in Math

There are over 350 Math Apps available through the Apple Apps store, and these were only the apps whose names started with 'Math'. There are also graphing apps, calculator apps, puzzle apps, and more.

Peter's example of using GPS enabled devices for outdoor adventures is easily applicable to Math as well. Especially if the device can use Google Earth. Use of Google Earth while on the adventure would allow for students to calculate new bearings and distances "on-the-go" with Google Earth's Ruler Tool. Otherwise, the teacher would just have to provide enough information at the checkpoints to do the calculations. Puzzles, and Math questions could be used as the tests to find the next location, like an Amazing Race type of adventure. Or perhaps buildings, infrastructure, and landscapes could be described in mathematical language in order for the students to follow directions to the next target.

... more later

1 comment:

  1. I am also a fan of TAR and do agree with you about the idea to set different tasks (maybe the tasks can be cross discipline)for students to complete. I believe students will be more willing to learning through this kind of activities, but I suppose the design of the tasks can be a huge challenge to teachers as well.

    Sophie Gu Jiaying
